Cost of Employee Turnover Calculator
Don't let employee turnover cost your company a fortune. Calculate and keep track of your costs with our simple tool. Enter your company's metrics now and gain valuable insights about your team's performance.
Why is employee turnover a costly problem for companies?
High employee turnover is costly, with organizations paying for direct exit expenses and incurring additional costs to find and train new hires. Invest in hiring the right people and retaining your employees, and save on those costs!
Don't lose thousands of dollars when your employees leave. Direct exit costs can add up, such as vacation and sick time payouts, healthcare and unemployment contributions, and severance packages. Protect your company by managing employee turnover.
Did you know incidental costs, like decreased productivity, knowledge loss, and lowered morale, can hurt your business over time? Make sure to minimize these hidden costs and watch your profits soar.
7 Minute Introduction
Employee and New Hire Assessment Tools
ADVanced Insights Profile
Combining the What, Why and How of an Individual. Discover what natural talents you possess, why you are motivated to use them, and how you prefer to use them with the Advanced Insights Profile. With this powerful tool combining three world-class profiles, you can achieve peak performance no matter your role or endeavor. [Read more…]
Organizational Health Check
Unlocking Greater Profits. Organizational Health is critical for businesses to achieve greater profits, improved performance, and sustainable growth. The competitive nature of today's business environment makes companies need to assess their organizational health continuously. Assessing your company's performance, culture, and alignment can help you identify areas for improvement and create a strategy for sustainable growth. [Read more...]
D.I.S.C Index Profile
The “How” of Human Performance. The D.I.S.C. Index Profile has transformed businesses, enhanced team dynamics, and boosted leadership skills for years. Organizations can create more wealth and achieve greater performance by understanding and measuring people's natural behavioral styles. [Read more…]
Values Index Profile
The “Why” of Human Performance. All actions we take and all decisions we make are driven by motivation. We wake up each morning driven by it, pursue our dreams, and overcome challenges. Business leaders must understand the factors that drive an employee's motivation to make informed hiring decisions, boost employee engagement, and foster a culture of passion and commitment. [Read more…]
Attribute Index Profile
The “What” of Human Performance. Businesses are constantly seeking new ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness in today's competitive environment. The Attribute Index, for example, measures organizational skills and competencies and assesses cognitive styles. Increasing individual and team performance is one of the most important benefits of this powerful tool. [Read more…]